Gobble, Gobble: WIU Celebrates Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Break officially begins on Monday; students and faculty alike can take a breather from the semester. Although, after stuffing our faces on Thanksgiving Day, we may need those few extra days to recover!

Michael Auz, a senior majoring in music, is greatly looking forward to going home for Thanksgiving Break. Like thousands of other students who live in the residence halls, Auz is preparing his Corbin Hall room for cleanup and move-out. Students are required to make sure their room is clean, the blinds are closed, and all their necessary belongings are put together. Auz said cleaning up is his main priority. “I like to clean up so I come back to a nice, clean dorm room…and that’s what you should do anyway. They told me, ‘Get everything off the floor!’, so I’m cleaning and taking everything off the floor,” he laughed.

Mark Schneider, a computer science major, said he’s doing a lot of cleaning in his apartment before heading home for the holidays. He said, “[It’s] amazing how many Coke cans have piled up around my desk over the last few busy weeks. I definitely [need] to tackle the fridge…nothing frightening in there yet,” Schneider said.

During this Thanksgiving Break, Auz explained what next week has in store for him. “I have three projects I need to do…and then I will do a lot of relaxing. I plan on sleeping a lot and I will decorate for Christmas. I need to do it before it gets too cold!”

Schneider explained the break will be a week of food, friends, and family. “We have a pretty traditional Thanksgiving Day; everyone comes over. We make food all afternoon… massive dinner in the early evening…and games and talking as the night goes on. It gets bigger every year,” he explained. “It’ll be nice to eat some food and catch my breath a bit.”

Auz explained that he is looking forward to eating on Thanksgiving. When asked what his favorite dish was, he said he is “particular to mashed potatoes and gravy. A close second is the turkey, which everybody loves. It’ll just be my parents and myself; we’ll get ready for Christmas and have a nice dinner,” Auz said.

As for your blogger, I have some intense papers to write before I head home. Preferably, I’d rather get that done now, while still in Macomb; I will want to enjoy the last two weeks before I graduate from WIU! Once I get home, I’ll go into hibernation. Sleeping is one of my favorite hobbies, after all.

I’ll spend a few days with my parents and the rest of my family before I leave to celebrate Thanksgiving with my significant others’ family. It’s the first time spending Thanksgiving without my family. I will miss them, but I know I’ll have fun.

Before long, WIU students and staff will all return to Western for the last gung-ho of the semester. In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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